P2P solution
P2P transaction
P2P functionality helps you to provide users (current or potential customers) with the ability to send money to each other, also it allows you to accept transfers to your cards without sending your data to anyone and earn commissions by providing a service to a wide range of users.
The P2P service is a service available for customization and integration into third-party websites, mobile applications, as well as Internet and mobile banks.
Users have access to a complete list of operations, sending/receiving transfers, registering/authorizing in the service, managing saved cards.
An important feature of the P2P service is the ability to make transfers by phone number, even if the user is not yet registered in the system.
P2P transaction flow can be displayed in the following main scenarios:
- The cardholder’s data is input on the gateway side;
- The cardholder’s data is input on the online store side.
P2P Operation scenario - inputting payment data on the side of payment gateway
- On the merchant's site (e.g. an online store) a cardholder requests to perform a P2P money transfer.
- The online store system registers the order in the Payment Gateway via registerP2P.do. The registration parameters used include the amount of the transfer, the currency, the order number in the merchant's system, and the return URL for the client.
- In response to the registration request, the Payment Gateway returns a unique identifier of the order in the payment system and the URL to redirect the client to the form for card data collection.
- The online store system passes the redirect URL received on step 3 to the client’s Web browser.
- The client’s Web browser opens the URL.
- At the specified URL, the client’s Web browser receives the form for card data collection.
- Client fills in the form and the data is sent to the Payment Gateway server.
- The system checks if the card belongs to 3-D Secure (SecureCode).
- The Gateway sends the redirect link to the Access Control Server (ACS) page of the issuing bank to the client’s Web browser (this step is necessary for the implementation of 3DS).
- The client’s Web browser requests the user authorization form from ACS.
- ACS sends the authorization form to the client’s Web browser.
- Client fills in the form and the information is sent to ACS.
- ACS processes the form and, regardless of the result, sends the redirect URL of the pages of the Payment Gateway to the client’s Web browser. The encrypted parameters of the authorization result are sent together with this URL.
- The client’s Web browser requests the Payment Gateway page when passing the encrypted parameters of the authorization result.
- Payment Gateway transfers the money.
- When the money is transferred, the Payment Gateway sends the return URL to the client’s Web browser (the URL was specified during the registration of the order by the online store on step 2).
- The client’s Web browser requests the results of the money transfer from the online store.
- The online store system requests the information about the order status from the payment gateway - getP2PStatus.do.
- Payment Gateway returns the status of the order.
- The online store system shows payment result to client.
P2P Operation scenario - inputting card data on the side of online store
- A cardholder (client) interacts with the online store to create an order.
- The online store system registers the order in the Payment Gateway via registerP2P.do. The registration parameters used include the amount of the transfer, the currency, the order number in the merchant's system, and the return URL for the client.
- In response to the registration request, the Payment Gateway returns a unique identifier of the order in the payment system and the URL to redirect the client to the form for card data collection.
- The online store system passes the redirect URL received on step 3 to the client’s Web browser.
- Client fills in the form and submits the data.
Optional. If the online store works with the fees, the online store sends to the Payment Gateway a request for the fee sum via verifyP2P.do / verifyP2PByBinding.do.
- Optional. Payment Gateway sends in response the fee amount.
- The online store sends a request for transfer of funds to the Payment Gateway via performP2P.do / performP2PByBinding.do.
At this stage, the 3DS 2.0 operation is initiated.
- Payment Gateway checks on the 3DS server whether the client can authenticate using the 2.0 Protocol.
- Payment Gateway sends a response to the request made in the step 6. The response also returns the following parameters:
- 3DSv2 authentication capability flag (true/false) -
- transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS server -
- address of the 3DS server for collecting browser data -
- (optional) address of the ACS server for collecting browser data -
- (optional) data for collecting browser data on ACS
(See also request description). -
- The online store calls
, in a separate "iframe" with the help of thePOST
method, using the value received from the response to the request for transfer of funds. This allows the 3DS server to collect data about the customer's browser. -
Optional. If
parameters were received in the response to the request for transfer of funds, the online store callsthreeDSMethodURL
in a separate iframe using thePOST
- Transfer of funds - stage 2. The online store resends the request to make money transfer via performP2P.do / performP2PByBinding.do.
You must passthreeDSServerTransId
parameter - transaction identifier which was created by the 3DS server and returned in the step 10.
- Payment Gateway sends an authentication request to the 3DS server.
- 3DS server sends an authentication request (AReq) to the ACS server.
- ACS server sends an authentication request (ARes) response to the 3DS server.
- 3DS server sends the received data to the Payment Gateway.
- If the client does not need to authenticate to the ACS, the Payment Gateway returns a response to the request for transfer of funds. In this case, go to the step 27 of this flow.
- If the client needs to authenticate to the ACS, the Payment Gateway will send a response to the payment page with the data of redirection to the ACS.
- The payment page redirects to the
with the parametercreq=packedCReq
. - ACS displays the authentication page to the client ("challenge" page).
- Client is authenticated.
- ACS server verifies the authenticity of the authentication data.
- Data is exchanged between the ACS and 3DS servers and processing result is confirmed.
- The ACS server redirects the client to the store's page.
- The online store sends finish3dsVer2Payment.do request to the Payment Gateway.
- Payment Gateway sends the online store a response to the request made.
- The online store sends getP2PStatus.do to the Payment Gateway to find out the order status.
- Payment Gateway sends a response to the request made.
- The online store displays the result page to the client.
AFT transaction
AFT (Account Funding Transaction) - a special type of operations for debiting of funds for the purpose of replenishing the client's internal account in the merchant’s system or banking account in bank’s system (often used as an alternative to the purchase operation).
AFT operation scenario
AFT transaction flow scenario is the same as for P2P transaction, with the following differences:
- Only data of the card to be debited is specified in AFT transaction, i.e.
. - In AFT transaction the order registration request must contain the parameter
with the valueWITHOUT_TO_CARD
OCT transaction
OCT (Original Credit Transaction) - a special type of transactions for crediting funds to the recipient in real time.
- Only data of the card to be credited is specified in OCT transaction, i.e.
. - In OCT transaction the order registration request must contain the parameter
with the valueWITHOUT_FROM_CARD
OCT operation scenario
- A cardholder (client) interacts with the online store to create an order.
- The online store system registers the order in the Payment Gateway via registerP2P.do. The registration parameters used include the amount of the transfer, the currency, the order number in the merchant's system, and the return URL for the client.
- In response to the registration request, the Payment Gateway returns a unique identifier of the order in the payment system and the URL to redirect the client to the form for card data collection.
- The online store system passes the redirect URL received on step 3 to the client’s Web browser.
- Client fills in the form and the data is sent to the Payment Gateway server.
- Payment Gateway makes the transfer of funds via performP2P.do.
- When the money is transferred, the Payment Gateway sends the return URL to the client’s Web browser (the URL was specified during the registration of the order by the online store on step 2).
- The client’s Web browser requests the results of the money transfer from the online store.
- The online store system requests the information about the order status from the payment gateway - getP2PStatus.do.
- Payment Gateway returns the status of the order.
- The online store system shows payment result to the client.
API calls
P2P integrations require API calls to be signed. Information about request signatures is available in our API Guide.
P2P order registration
To register an order for the card-to-card money transfer, use https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/registerP2P.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant's API account login. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Mandatory | orderNumber |
String [1..32] | Order number (ID) in the merchant's system, must be unique for each order. |
Mandatory | amount |
Integer [0..12] | Payment amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). |
Mandatory | currency |
Integer [3] | ISO 4217 encoded currency key. If not specified, the default value is used. |
Mandatory | returnUrl |
String [1..512] | The address to which the user will be redirected if the payment is successful. The address must be specified in full including the protocol used (for example, https://mybestmerchantreturnurl.com instead of mybestmerchantreturnurl.com ). Otherwise, the user will be redirected to the address of the following type https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/<merchant_address> . |
Optional | failUrl |
String [1..512] | The address to which the user is to be redirected in case of a failed payment. The address must be specified in full including the protocol used (for example, https://mybestmerchantreturnurl.com instead of mybestmerchantreturnurl.com ). Otherwise, the user will be redirected to the address of the following type https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/<merchant_address> . |
Optional | orderDescription |
String [1..600] | Order description passed to the payment gateway during the registration. It is not allowed to fill this parameter with personal data or payment data (card numbers, etc.). This requirement is due to the fact that the order description is not masked in Merchant Portal and log files. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Optional | clientId |
String [0..255] | Customer number (ID) in the merchant's system — up to 255 characters. Used to implement the functionality of stored-credential transactions. Can be returned in the response if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. Specifying this parameter in stored-credential transactions is mandatory. Otherwise, a payment will be unsuccessful. |
Optional | sessionTimeoutSecs |
Integer [1..9] | Order lifetime in seconds. If the parameter is not specified, the value specified in the merchant settings or the default value (1200 seconds = 20 minutes) will be used. If the request contains expirationDate , the value of sessionTimeoutSecs is not taken into account. |
Optional | sessionExpiredDate |
String | Data and time of the order expiry. Format used: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss .If this parameter is not passed in the request, sessionTimeoutSecs is used to define the expiry of the order. |
Optional | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of an already existing stored credential. This is the card ID tokenized by the Gateway. Can be used only if the merchant has the permission to work with stored credentials. If this parameter is passed in this request, it means that:
Optional | creditBindingId |
String [0..255] | Identifier of the stored credential of the card to be credited. It is used in card-to-card transfers when the recipient's card is known in advance. This parameter should first be passed in the request for transfer register (registerP2P.do - clientId parameter should also be passed here), then in the request for transfer funds by binding (performP2PByBinding.do - the value of creditBindingId parameter passed in registerP2P.do should be passed in bindingId parameter in toCard block). |
Optional | transactionTypeIndicator |
String | It is used in one-direction types of transaction: AFT, OCT.
Optional | features |
String | Field for feature parameter to be passed if AFT or OCT operation takes place.
Optional | params |
Object | Fields for storing additional order information, must be passed as follows {"param":"value","param2":"value2"} .These fields can be passed to the processing bank for further display in the bank registries. By default orderNumber (order number) and orderDescription (order description) are passed. OrderDescription must not exceed 99 characters, do not use the following characters: % , + , end of line \r and line break \n ).To enable this functionality contact the bank. |
Optional | feeInput |
String | Fee amount in minimum currency units. Must be enabled by respective Merchant-level permission in the Gateway. If merchant has special permission and performs AFT (Account Funding Transaction) operations, the Merchant's commission comes in the registration request and is sent to the message for processing.
Optional | billingPayerData |
Object | A block with the client's registration data (address, postal code) necessary for passing the address verification within the AVS/AVV services. Mandatory if the feature is enabled for the merchant on Payment Gateway side. See nested parameters. |
Optional | shippingPayerData |
Object | Object containing customer delivery data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | preOrderPayerData |
Object | Object containing pre-order data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | orderPayerData |
Object | Object containing data about the order payer. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | billingAndShippingAddressMatchIndicator |
A1 | Indicator for matching the cardholder's billing address and shipping address. This parameter is used for further 3DS authentication of the customer. Possible values:
Below are the parameters of the billingPayerData
block (data about the client registration address).
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | billingCity |
String [0..50] | The city registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. |
Optional | billingCountry |
String [0..50] | The country registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank ( ISO 3166-1, numeric). |
Optional | billingAddressLine1 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 1. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingAddressLine2 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 2. |
Optional | billingAddressLine3 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 3. |
Optional | billingPostalCode |
String [0..9] | Postal code registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingState |
String [0..50] | The state registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank (ISO 3166-2). |
Description of parameters in shippingPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | shippingCity |
ANS...50 | The customer's city (from the delivery address) |
Optional | shippingCountry |
ANS...50 | The customer's country |
Optional | shippingAddressLine1 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine2 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine3 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingPostalCode |
ANS...16 | The customer's zip code for delivery |
Optional | shippingState |
ANS...50 | Customer's state/region (from delivery address) |
Optional | shippingMethodIndicator |
N2 | Shipping Method Indicator. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryTimeframe |
N2 | Product delivery timeframe. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryEmail |
ANS...254 | Target email address for delivery of digital distribution. Note that it is preferrable to pass the email in a separate email parameter of the request. The deliveryEmail parameter specified in this block is only used to fill MerchantRiskIndicator during 3DS authorization. |
Description of parameters in preOrderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | preOrderDate |
ANS8 | Expected date when delivery will be available (for pre-ordered purchases), in the format YYYYYYMMDD. |
Optional | preOrderPurchaseInd |
N2 | Indicator of a customer placing an order for available or future delivery. Possible values:
Optional | reorderItemsInd |
N2 | An indicator that the customer is rebooking a previously paid delivery as part of a new order. Possible values:
Description of parameters in orderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | homePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Optional | workPhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Conditional | mobilePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
For payment by VISA with 3DS authorization, it is necessary to specify either phone or email of the cardholder. If you have a setting to display phone number on the payment page and have specified an invalid number, the customer will have a possibility to correct it on the payment page. |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Mandatory | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
Optional | formUrl |
String [1..512] | URL of the payment form, to which a customer will be redirected The URL is not returned if the registration of the order fails due to an error specified in errorCode . |
Optional | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Optional | orderNumber |
String [1..32] | Order number (ID) in the merchant's system, must be unique for each order. |
Request example
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/registerP2P.do'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"amount" : 50000,
"currency" : "978",
"returnUrl" : "https://mybestmerchantreturnurl.com",
"orderNumber": "1"
Request example of AFT operation
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/registerP2P.do'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_user_password",
"orderNumber": "12345454645",
"amount": 77770,
"currency": 978,
"returnUrl": "https://mybestmerchantreturnurl.com",
"failUrl": "https://mybestmerchantfailurl.com",
"language": "en",
"transactionTypeIndicator": "A",
"features": {
"feature": [
"params": [
"name": "bic_number",
"value": "123456789"
"name": "account_number",
"value": "01234567890123456789"
Request example of OCT operation
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/registerP2P.do'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"amount" : 50000,
"currency" : "978",
"returnUrl" : "https://mybestmerchantreturnurl.com",
"orderNumber": "12",
"clientId": "122313",
"creditBindingId": "99ef0cee-34fe-7312-ad7c-78bc00b3236a",
"transactionTypeIndicator": "A",
"feature":["FEATURE_1", "FEATURE_2", .. "FEATURE_N"]
Response example
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "Successful",
"orderId": "0a4eaae8-653a-71a9-8259-46fc00a8ea58",
"formUrl": "https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/merchants/ecom/payment.html?mdOrder=0a4eaae8-653a-71a9-8259-46fc00a8ea58&language=en",
"orderNumber": "2009"
Fee amount
To obtain the fee amount for the money transfer, use https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/getP2PStatus.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
The structure of the verifyP2P.do request assumes the existence of the fromCard
block to pass the attributes of the card to be debited and the toCard
block to pass the attributes of the card to be credited.
Depending on the business processes of the bank and the online store, the following options are possible when carrying out a card-to-card money transfer:
- The online store passes the data of the card to be debited and of the card to be credited to the payment gateway. In this case both blocks of parameters —
— must be presented in the request. - If the money is transferred to the card by a third-party system, the online store passes only the data of the card to be debited to the payment gateway. In this case the request must include only one block of parameters —
. - If debiting is performed by a third-party system, the online store passes only the data of the card to be credited to the payment gateway. In this case the request must include only one block of parameters –
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant's API account login. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Mandatory | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Optional | amount |
String [0..12] | Transfer amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). This parameter is passed if the payer decides to change the transfer amount when carrying out the money transfer. |
Conditional | fromCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be debited. If debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Conditional | toCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be credited. If crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
The fromCard
block (if debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) includes the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be debited. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Optional | cvc |
String [1..3] | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card to be debited. Is mandatory if the payment is performed without stored credential or the merchant does not have a permission to pay without CVC. |
Mandatory | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be debited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be debited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be debited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , PAN , EXPDATE , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
The toCard
block (if crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) consists of the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be credited. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Optional | cvc |
Integer | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card that is to be credited. |
Optional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be credited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. |
Optional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be credited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be credited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , PAN , EXPDATE , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Mandatory | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
The feeDescriptionList
block includes the following parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | feeAmount |
Integer [1..12] | Fee amount. |
Optional | feeCurrency |
String [3] | The ISO 4217 code of the fee currency. |
Optional | feeDescription |
String [1..512] | The description of the fee. |
Request example
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/verifyP2P.do' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"orderId": "0a4eaae8-653a-71a9-8259-46fc00a8ea58",
"fromCard": {
"cardholderName": "TEST CARDHOLDER",
"cvc": "123",
"expirationMonth": 12,
"expirationYear": 2030,
"pan": "5000001111111115"
"toCard": {
"pan": "4000001111111118"
"amount" : 50000
Response example
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "Successful",
"feeDescriptionList: [ {
"feeAmount": 500,
"feeCurrency": "978",
"feeDescription": "Acquirer fee"
} ]
P2P transfer
To perform a card-to-card money transfer, use https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2P.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
The structure of the performP2P.do
request assumes the presence of the fromCard
block to pass the attributes of the card to be debited and the toCard
block to pass the attributes of the card to be credited. Depending on the business processes of the bank and the online store, the following options are possible when carrying out a card-to-card money transfer:
- The online store passes the data of the card to be debited and of the card to be credited to the payment gateway. In this case both blocks of parameters —
— must be present in the request. - If the money is transferred to the card by a third-party system, the online store passes only the data of the card to be debited to the payment gateway. In this case the request must include only one block of parameters —
. - If debiting is performed by a third-party system, the online store passes only the data on the card to be credited to the payment gateway. In this case the request must include only one block of parameters —
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant's API account login. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Mandatory | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Optional | ip |
String [1..39] | Buyer's IP address. IPv6 is supported in all requests. (up to 39 characters). |
Optional | email |
String | The payer's email address. |
Optional | amount |
String [0..12] | Transfer amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). This parameter is passed if the payer decides to change the transfer amount when carrying out the money transfer. |
Optional | agent_info.type |
Integer | Agent type, the available values are:
Optional | amountInput |
Integer [0..12] | Amount of transfer in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). If the amount is specified in this parameter, the transfer will be made for this amount (regardless of the amount passed in the order registration request). |
Mandatory | params |
Object | Fields for storing additional order information, must be passed as follows {"param":"value","param2":"value2"} .These fields can be passed to the processing bank for further display in the bank registries. By default orderNumber (order number) and orderDescription (order description) are passed. OrderDescription must not exceed 99 characters, do not use the following characters: % , + , end of line \r and line break \n ).To enable this functionality contact the bank. The following customer data can be passed in the params object within a request for a card-to-card money transfer (the format of values depends on the data processing method used):
You can contact the support team to set constant values for payer* and recipientName parameters in order not to send them each time in all requests. |
Optional | billingPayerData |
Object | A block with the client's registration data (address, postal code) necessary for passing the address verification within the AVS/AVV services. Mandatory if the feature is enabled for the merchant on Payment Gateway side. See nested parameters. |
Optional | shippingPayerData |
Object | Object containing customer delivery data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | preOrderPayerData |
Object | Object containing pre-order data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | orderPayerData |
Object | Object containing data about the order payer. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | billingAndShippingAddressMatchIndicator |
A1 | Indicator for matching the cardholder's billing address and shipping address. This parameter is used for further 3DS authentication of the customer. Possible values:
Conditional | fromCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be debited. If debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Conditional | toCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be credited. If crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Below are the parameters of the billingPayerData
block (data about the client registration address).
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | billingCity |
String [0..50] | The city registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. |
Optional | billingCountry |
String [0..50] | The country registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank ( ISO 3166-1, numeric). |
Optional | billingAddressLine1 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 1. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingAddressLine2 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 2. |
Optional | billingAddressLine3 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 3. |
Optional | billingPostalCode |
String [0..9] | Postal code registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingState |
String [0..50] | The state registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank (ISO 3166-2). |
Description of parameters in shippingPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | shippingCity |
ANS...50 | The customer's city (from the delivery address) |
Optional | shippingCountry |
ANS...50 | The customer's country |
Optional | shippingAddressLine1 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine2 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine3 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingPostalCode |
ANS...16 | The customer's zip code for delivery |
Optional | shippingState |
ANS...50 | Customer's state/region (from delivery address) |
Optional | shippingMethodIndicator |
N2 | Shipping Method Indicator. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryTimeframe |
N2 | Product delivery timeframe. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryEmail |
ANS...254 | Target email address for delivery of digital distribution. Note that it is preferrable to pass the email in a separate email parameter of the request. The deliveryEmail parameter specified in this block is only used to fill MerchantRiskIndicator during 3DS authorization. |
Description of parameters in preOrderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | preOrderDate |
ANS8 | Expected date when delivery will be available (for pre-ordered purchases), in the format YYYYYYMMDD. |
Optional | preOrderPurchaseInd |
N2 | Indicator of a customer placing an order for available or future delivery. Possible values:
Optional | reorderItemsInd |
N2 | An indicator that the customer is rebooking a previously paid delivery as part of a new order. Possible values:
Description of parameters in orderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | homePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Optional | workPhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Conditional | mobilePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
For payment by VISA with 3DS authorization, it is necessary to specify either phone or email of the cardholder. If you have a setting to display phone number on the payment page and have specified an invalid number, the customer will have a possibility to correct it on the payment page. |
The fromCard
block (if debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) includes the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be debited. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | cvc |
String [1..3] | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card to be debited. Is mandatory if the payment is performed without stored credential or the merchant does not have a permission to pay without CVC. |
Conditional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be debited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be debited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be debited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , PAN , EXPDATE , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | threeDsAuthResult |
Object | A block with the data related to the result of 3 DS authentication when the merchant's 3DS Server is used. Is mandatory for transfer and AFT transactions with merchant's 3DS Server. See nested parameters. |
When making payments using tokens (APPLE, SAMSUNG, GOOGLE), the fromCard
block includes the following parameters instead of card details:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | vendor |
String | This parameter is used for payments made with tokens. It is the name of the payment service provider and can be one of the following: APPLE, GOOGLE, SAMSUNG . This parameter must be passed together with the paymentToken parameter, which contains the actual payment token value.This parameter cannot be used together with the following parameters : pan , cvc , expiry , bindingId , seToken . |
Conditional | paymentToken |
String [1..8192] | Token value of the vendor specified in vendor parameter (APPLE, GOOGLE, SAMSUNG ). If vendor is specified, it must be passed.This parameter cannot be used together with the following parameters : pan , cvc , expiry , bindingId , seToken . |
Optional | decryptedToken |
Boolean | Decrypted token for payments through vendors (ApplePay, GooglePay, etc.). Allowed values:
If this parameter is not passed, decryptedToken = false will be assumed by default. |
Optional | protocolVersion |
String | Protocol version as defined by Google for a paymentToken: ECv1 (by default) or ECv2
Below are the parameters of the threeDsAuthResult
block (data related to 3 DS authentication).
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | cavv |
String [0..200] | Cardholder authentication value. The indicator is specified only after an order is paid and if the corresponding permission is enabled. |
Optional | xid |
String [1..80] | Electronic commerce indicator of the transaction. The indicator is specified only after an order has been paid and in case the corresponding permission is present. |
Optional | eci |
Integer [1..4] | Electronic commerce indicator. The indicator is specified only after an order has been paid and in case the corresponding permission is present. Below is the explanation of ECI codes.
Conditional | authenticationTypeIndicator |
String | 3DS authentication type depending on ECI value. Is mandatory for payment with merchant's API with 3DS 2 authentication. Allowed values:
Optional | threeDSProtocolVersion |
String | 3DS protocol version. Possible values are "2.1.0", "2.2.0" for 3DS2. If threeDSProtocolVersion is not passed in the request, then the default value will be used for 3D Secure authorization (2.1.0 - for 3DS 2). |
The toCard
block (if crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) consists of the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Conditional | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be credited. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Optional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be credited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. |
Optional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be credited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be credited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , bindingId , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation.It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
See description | replacementData |
Object | A block with the data used for replacement of the transfer destination in AFT transactions. It contains card number and account number for crediting. These data are required by some payment systems in AFT transactions and are used for authentication on ACS during 3DS authorization. To use this block, merchant must have a special permission (contact technical support team for details). See nested parameters. |
Below are the parameters of the replacementData
block (data used for replacement of the transfer destination in AFT transactions):
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | card | string | Recipient's card number, if known at the moment of transfer. |
Optional | account | string | Transit account number (any number provided by the bank). |
The following parameters are also passed during the authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | threeDSServerTransId |
String | Transaction identifier created on 3DS Server. |
Optional | threeDSVer2FinishUrl |
String | URL where Customer should be redirected after authentication on ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodNotificationUrl |
String | URL where notification about authentication on ACS Server should be sent to. |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Optional | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
Optional | info |
String | The result of an attempt to transfer funds. The value in case of a successful transfer: "Your payment has been processed, redirecting...". The value in case of an error: "Redirecting..." |
Optional | acsUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. The URL address for redirecting to ACS. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Optional | paReq |
String [1..255] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. PAReq (Payment Authentication Request) - a message that should be sent to ACS together with redirect. This message contains the Base64-encoded data necessary for the cardholder authentication. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Optional | termUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. URL address for redirecting the client after interaction with the ACS for the payment completion. |
When authenticating via the 3DS 2.0 protocol, the following parameters are returned during the initial request:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | is3DSVer2 |
Boolean | Possible values: true or false . Flag showing that payment uses 3DS 2.0. |
Mandatory | threeDSServerTransId |
String | Transaction identifier created on 3DS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodUrl |
String | URL of ACS Server for gathering browser data. |
Mandatory | threeDSMethodUrlServer |
String | URL of 3DS Server for gathering browser data to be included in the AReq (Authentication Request) from 3DS Server to ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodDataPacked |
String | Base-64-encoded data of CReq (Challenge Response) to be sent to ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodURLServerDirect |
String | URL of 3dsmethod.do for executing the 3DS method on 3DS Server via Payment Gateway (subject to respective Merchant-level permission). |
Below are the parameters to be present in the response, after a repeated request for the payment and the need to redirect the client to the ACS during the authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | acsUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. The URL address for redirecting to ACS. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Conditional | packedCReq |
String | Packed challenge request data. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. This value should be used as the ACS link creq parameter (acsUrl ) to redirect the client to the ACS. |
Request example
Example of the first request:
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2P.do'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"orderId" : "38b7a9e0-7cfa-46f7-8655-f206a8898e7a",
"amount" : 50000,
"fromCard": {
"vendor": "APPLE",
"paymentToken": "eyJkZXZpY2VNYW51ZmFjdHVyZXJJZGVudGlmaWVyIjoiMDUwMTEwMDMwMjczIiwiY3VycmVuY3lDb2RlIjoiOTc4IiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb25FeHBpcmF0aW9uRGF0ZSI6IjI3MDEzMSIsInBheW1lbnREYXRhIjp7Im9ubGluZVBheW1lbnRDcnlwdG9ncmFtIjoiQUc5WW5Pak1YOUJXQUFSaElJOFBBb0FCRkE9PSJ9LCJwYXltZW50RGF0YVR5cGUiOiIzRFNlY3VyZSIsInRyYW5zYWN0aW9uQW1vdW50IjoxMDAsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uUHJpbWFyeUFjY291bnROdW1iZXIiOiI1NTU1NTU1NTU1NTU1NTk5In0=",
"toCard" : {
"pan" : "4111111111111111"
"params" : [
{"name" : "recipientName", "Name" : "Surname"},
{"name" : "payerName", "value" : "Name1 Surname1"},
{"name" : "payerCity", "value" : "City"},
{"name" : "payerCountry", "value" : "Country"},
{"name" : "payerPostalCode", "value" : "777777"},
{"name" : "payerState", "value" : "State"},
{"name" : "payerAddress", "value" : "street, 18"
Example of the second request:
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2P.do' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"orderId": "0a4eaae8-653a-71a9-8259-46fc00a8ea58",
"fromCard": {
"cardholderName": "TEST CARDHOLDER",
"cvc": "123",
"expirationMonth": 12,
"expirationYear": 2030,
"pan": "5000001111111115"
"toCard": {
"pan": "4111111111111111"
"amount" : 50000,
"params" : [
{"name" : "recipientName", "Name" : "Surname"},
{"name" : "payerName", "value" : "Name1 Surname1"},
{"name" : "payerCity", "value" : "City"},
{"name" : "payerCountry", "value" : "Country"},
{"name" : "payerPostalCode", "value" : "777777"},
{"name" : "payerState", "value" : "State"},
{"name" : "payerAddress", "value" : "street, 18"
"threeDSServerTransId" : "3afc168a-94b4-4eb3-8e2e-80f6c186669d",
"threeDSVer2FinishUrl" : "https://example.com/acs2/acs/3dsMethod"
Response example
Example of the response to the first request:
"errorCode": 0,
"is3DSVer2": true,
"threeDSServerTransId": "3afc168a-94b4-4eb3-8e2e-80f6c186669d",
"threeDSMethodURL": "https://example.com/acs2/acs/3dsMethod",
"threeDSMethodURLServer": "https://example.com/3dsserver/api/v1/client/gather?threeDSServerTransID=3afc168a-94b4-4eb3-8e2e-80f6c186669d",
"threeDSMethodDataPacked": "eyJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uVVJMIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY3F1aXJlci5jb20vM2Rzc2VydmVyL2FwaS92MS9hY3Mvbm90aWZpY2F0aW9uP3RocmVlRFNTZXJ2ZXJUcmFuc0lEPTNhZmMxNjhhLTk0YjQtNGViMy04ZTJlLTgwZjZjMTg2NjY5ZCIsInRocmVlRFNTZXJ2ZXJUcmFuc0lEIjoiM2FmYzE2OGEtOTRiNC00ZWIzLThlMmUtODBmNmMxODY2NjlkIn0="
Example of the response to the second request:
"errorCode": 0,
"info": "Your order is proceeded, redirecting...",
"acsUrl": "https://example.com/acs2/acs/creq",
"is3DSVer2": true,
"packedCReq": "eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6IjNhZmMxNjhhLTk0YjQtNGViMy04ZTJlLTgwZjZjMTg2NjY5ZCIsIm1lc3NhZ2VUeXBlIjoiQ1JlcSIsIm1lc3NhZ2VWZXJzaW9uIjoiMi4xLjAiLCJhY3NUcmFuc0lEIjoiOWM3NTkxMmEtZTg0NC00ODgyLWI5YzctYzZmYmMzNjIyNGQ3IiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlV2luZG93U2l6ZSI6IjA1In0"
P2P transfer status
To obtain the status of a registered P2P order, use https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/getP2PStatus.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant's API account login. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Conditional | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Conditional | orderNumber |
String [1..32] | Order number (ID) in the merchant's system, must be unique for each order. |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Mandatory | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
Optional | orderStatus |
Integer | The value of this parameter specifies the status of the order in the payment gateway. It is missing if the order has not been found. Below is the list of available values:
Optional | orderNumber |
String [1..32] | Order number (ID) in the merchant's system, must be unique for each order. |
Optional | panMaskedFrom |
String [1..19] | The masked number of the card to be debited. |
Optional | panMaskedTo |
String [1..19] | The masked number of the card to be credited. |
Optional | amount |
Integer [0..12] | Payment amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). |
Optional | currency |
Integer [3] | ISO 4217 encoded currency key. If not specified, the default value is used. |
Optional | creationDate |
Integer | Date of order registration. |
Optional | orderDescription |
String [1..600] | Order description passed to the payment gateway during the registration. It is not allowed to fill this parameter with personal data or payment data (card numbers, etc.). This requirement is due to the fact that the order description is not masked in Merchant Portal and log files. |
Optional | ip |
String [1..39] | Buyer's IP address. IPv6 is supported in all requests. (up to 39 characters). |
Mandatory | resultCode |
Integer | Error code on the request execution. Available values:
Optional | orderParams |
Object | An object with the merchant attributes. More than one orderParams object can be presented in the response.The object must be passed as follows: {"param":"value","param2":"value2"} . |
Optional | operationList |
Object | Object containing information on the transactions completed in the order. More than one operationList object can be present in the response.The parameters that can be passed here are described below. |
Optional | binding |
String | Identifier of a stored credential (if it has been already created). This parameter is returned only if the getP2PStatus version is 3 or higher.
Below are possible parameters of the operationList
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | operationType |
String | Transaction type. The following values are available:
Optional | amount |
Integer [0..12] | Payment amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). |
Optional | currency |
Integer [3] | ISO 4217 encoded currency key. If not specified, the default value is used. |
Optional | datetime |
String | Date and time of the transaction. |
Optional | resultCode |
Integer | Error code on the request execution. Available values:
Optional | resultCodeDescription |
String [1..512] | Description of the transaction error code. |
Optional | maskedPan |
String [1..19] | Masked number of the card or token used for the payment. |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | Cardholder's name (if available). |
Optional | refNum |
String [12] | Unique identification number that is assigned to the operation on its completion. |
Request example
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/getP2PStatus.do' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_user_password",
"orderId" : "0a4eaae8-653a-71a9-8259-46fc00a8ea58"
Response example
"orderStatus": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "Successful",
"orderNumber": "2009",
"amount": 50000,
"currency": "978",
"creationDate": 1674137044330,
"orderParams": [],
"operationList": [],
"resultCode": 0
Stored-credential P2P transfer
To perform a card-to-card transfer by binding, use https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2PByBinding.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant's API account login. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Optional | ip |
String [1..39] | Buyer's IP address. IPv6 is supported in all requests. (up to 39 characters). |
Optional | email |
String | Email to be displayed on the payment page. Customer's email must be passed if client notification is configured for the merchant. Example: client_mail@email.com . For payment by VISA with 3DS authorization, it is necessary to specify either phone or email of the cardholder. |
Optional | type |
String | In the case of a money transfer with data on only one card, it is necessary to pass the corresponding value in this parameter:
Mandatory | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Optional | amountInput |
Integer [0..12] | Amount of transfer in minor currency units (e.g. in cents). If the amount is specified in this parameter, the transfer will be made for this amount (regardless of the amount passed in the order registration request). |
Optional | params |
Object | Fields for storing additional order information, must be passed as follows {"param":"value","param2":"value2"} .These fields can be passed to the processing bank for further display in the bank registries. By default orderNumber (order number) and orderDescription (order description) are passed. OrderDescription must not exceed 99 characters, do not use the following characters: % , + , end of line \r and line break \n ).To enable this functionality contact the bank. The following customer data can be passed in the params object within a request for a card-to-card money transfer (the format of values depends on the data processing method used):
You can contact the support team to set constant values for payer* and recipientName parameters in order not to send them each time in all requests. |
Conditional | fromCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be debited. If debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Conditional | toCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be credited. If crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Optional | billingPayerData |
Object | A block with the client's registration data (address, postal code) necessary for passing the address verification within the AVS/AVV services. Mandatory if the feature is enabled for the merchant on Payment Gateway side. See nested parameters. |
Optional | shippingPayerData |
Object | Object containing customer delivery data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | preOrderPayerData |
Object | Object containing pre-order data. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | orderPayerData |
Object | Object containing data about the order payer. It is used for further 3DS authentication of the client. See nested parameters. |
Optional | billingAndShippingAddressMatchIndicator |
A1 | Indicator for matching the cardholder's billing address and shipping address. This parameter is used for further 3DS authentication of the customer. Possible values:
The fromCard
block (if debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) includes the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be debited. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | cvc |
String [1..3] | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card to be debited. Is mandatory if the payment is performed without stored credential or the merchant does not have a permission to pay without CVC. |
Conditional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be debited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Conditional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be debited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be debited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , bindingId , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation.It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
The toCard
block (if crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) consists of the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Conditional | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be credited. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Optional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be credited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. |
Optional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be credited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be credited. |
Conditional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , bindingId , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation.It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Below are the parameters of the billingPayerData
block (data about the client registration address).
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | billingCity |
String [0..50] | The city registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. |
Optional | billingCountry |
String [0..50] | The country registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank ( ISO 3166-1, numeric). |
Optional | billingAddressLine1 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 1. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingAddressLine2 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 2. |
Optional | billingAddressLine3 |
String [0..50] | The address registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Line 3. |
Optional | billingPostalCode |
String [0..9] | Postal code registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank. Mandatory to be passed in order AVS verification works. |
Optional | billingState |
String [0..50] | The state registered on a specific card of the Issuing Bank (ISO 3166-2). |
Description of parameters in shippingPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | shippingCity |
ANS...50 | The customer's city (from the delivery address) |
Optional | shippingCountry |
ANS...50 | The customer's country |
Optional | shippingAddressLine1 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine2 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingAddressLine3 |
ANS...50 | The customer's primary address (from the shipping address) |
Optional | shippingPostalCode |
ANS...16 | The customer's zip code for delivery |
Optional | shippingState |
ANS...50 | Customer's state/region (from delivery address) |
Optional | shippingMethodIndicator |
N2 | Shipping Method Indicator. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryTimeframe |
N2 | Product delivery timeframe. Possible values:
Optional | deliveryEmail |
ANS...254 | Target email address for delivery of digital distribution. Note that it is preferrable to pass the email in a separate email parameter of the request. The deliveryEmail parameter specified in this block is only used to fill MerchantRiskIndicator during 3DS authorization. |
Description of parameters in preOrderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | preOrderDate |
ANS8 | Expected date when delivery will be available (for pre-ordered purchases), in the format YYYYYYMMDD. |
Optional | preOrderPurchaseInd |
N2 | Indicator of a customer placing an order for available or future delivery. Possible values:
Optional | reorderItemsInd |
N2 | An indicator that the customer is rebooking a previously paid delivery as part of a new order. Possible values:
Description of parameters in orderPayerData
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | homePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Optional | workPhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
Conditional | mobilePhone |
ANS...19 | Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign or 00 at the beginning. The number must be 7 to 15 digits long. Thus, the following options are valid:
For payment by VISA with 3DS authorization, it is necessary to specify either phone or email of the cardholder. If you have a setting to display phone number on the payment page and have specified an invalid number, the customer will have a possibility to correct it on the payment page. |
The following parameters are also passed during the authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol:
Mandatory | Name | Type | Description |
Optional | threeDSServerTransId |
String | Transaction identifier created on 3DS Server. |
Optional | threeDSVer2FinishUrl |
String | URL where Customer should be redirected after authentication on ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodNotificationUrl |
String | URL where notification about authentication on ACS Server should be sent to. |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Mandatory | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
Optional | info |
String | The result of an attempt to transfer funds. The value in case of a successful transfer: "Your payment has been processed, redirecting...". The value in case of an error: "Redirecting..." |
Optional | acsUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. The URL address for redirecting to ACS. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Optional | paReq |
String [1..255] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. PAReq (Payment Authentication Request) - a message that should be sent to ACS together with redirect. This message contains the Base64-encoded data necessary for the cardholder authentication. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Optional | termUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. The URL address to which ACS redirects the cardholder after authentication. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
When authenticating via the 3DS 2.0 protocol, the following parameters are returned during the initial request:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | is3DSVer2 |
Boolean | Possible values: true or false . Flag showing that payment uses 3DS 2.0. |
Mandatory | threeDSServerTransId |
String | Transaction identifier created on 3DS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodUrl |
String | URL of ACS Server for gathering browser data. |
Mandatory | threeDSMethodUrlServer |
String | URL of 3DS Server for gathering browser data to be included in the AReq (Authentication Request) from 3DS Server to ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodDataPacked |
String | Base-64-encoded data of CReq (Challenge Response) to be sent to ACS Server. |
Optional | threeDSMethodURLServerDirect |
String | URL of 3dsmethod.do for executing the 3DS method on 3DS Server via Payment Gateway (subject to respective Merchant-level permission). |
Below are the parameters to be present in the response, after a repeated request for the payment and the need to redirect the client to the ACS during the authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Conditional | acsUrl |
String [1..512] | In a successful response in case of a 3D-Secure payment. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. The URL address for redirecting to ACS. For details see Redirect to ACS. |
Conditional | packedCReq |
String | Packed challenge request data. Mandatory, if redirect to the ACS is needed. This value should be used as the ACS link creq parameter (acsUrl ) to redirect the client to the ACS. |
Request example
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2PByBinding.do'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"amountInput" : 1000,
"bindingId" : "03e9492a-536c-7ab4-85e6-b44000f26b04",
"fromCard" : {
"seToken": "ofVx1r3aIJ3Mlx3nkfeOIJgFOnwfsgFK+V6Yzm+KxJgsq19l74GChhX0We/LEFq78Rhn9uFAEZGdeyDhnIc/KfuvObf0EzoDA65Uj1Z8FjwWyjnEwTBHZL4KmdFBCSk8jLxHt70mXwyjiHYyCVH1fT/UVOnsrkZVGrqmEG4MTi5dX9Znzf24DwRg4iezvdT8vf0dUW5lJdvY1tgOsOnBulwy6kH/YbHVsnR6yxO6d6IsdnT5f8PxaB+7ZyUqgrd6VA88FGJKJgdoxk4721pqKSG5dYroLJG96s23EDJ2Hpi4e9wU2rP7E6dlFw+qzATqX/eaJbaQ9eakkdMWnkj7aQ=="
"toCard": {
"cardholderName": "NAME SURNAME",
"cvc": "123",
"expirationMonth": 12,
"expirationYear": 2024,
"pan": "5555555555555599"
"orderId" : "3dbaf8bb-1d68-76b3-b4e6-784700f26b04",
"password" : "test_user_password",
"type" : "WITHOUT_TO_CARD",
"username" : "test_user"
Response example
"errorCode" : 0,
"errorMessage" : "Successful",
"info" : "Your order is proceeded, redirecting...",
"redirect" : "https://example.com/?orderId=47743354-be15-7c70-b9ef-4bfc482e68dc&lang=en",
"is3DSVer2" : false
Request example with authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol
Example of the first request:
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2PByBinding.do' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"amountInput" : 1000,
"currency" : "978",
"fromCard" : {
"bindingId" : "fd3afc57-c6d0-4e08-aaef-1b7cfeb093dc"
"orderId" : "38b7a9e0-7cfa-46f7-8655-f206a8898e7a",
"password" : "test_user_password",
"type" : "WITHOUT_TO_CARD",
"username" : "test_user",
"params" : {
"name" : "payerAddress",
"value" : "payer Address"
Example of the second request:
curl -X POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/performP2PByBinding.do' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"amountInput" : 1000,
"currency" : "978",
"fromCard" : {
"bindingId" : "fd3afc57-c6d0-4e08-aaef-1b7cfeb093dc"
"orderId" : "38b7a9e0-7cfa-46f7-8655-f206a8898e7a",
"password" : "test_user_password",
"type" : "WITHOUT_TO_CARD",
"username" : "test_user",
"params" : {
"name" : "payerAddress",
"value" : "payer Address"
"threeDSServerTransId" : "f44d6d21-1874-45a5-aeb0-1c710dd6e134",
"threeDSVer2FinishUrl" : "https://example.com/acs2/acs/3dsMethod"
Response example with authentication via the 3DS 2.0 protocol
Example of the response to the first request:
"errorCode": 0,
"is3DSVer2": true,
"threeDSServerTransId": "f44d6d21-1874-45a5-aeb0-1c710dd6e134",
"threeDSMethodURLServer": "https://example.com/3dsserver/api/v1/client/gather?threeDSServerTransID=f44d6d21-1874-45a5-aeb0-1c710dd6e134",
Example of the response to the second request:
"errorCode": 0,
"info": "Your order is proceeded, redirecting...",
"acsUrl": "https://example.com/acs2/acs/creq",
"is3DSVer2": true,
Stored-credential P2P fee amount
To get the amount of commission when transferring funds by a stored-credential transaction, use the https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/verifyP2PByBinding.do
When sending request, you should use header:
Content-Type: application/json
Request parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | userName |
String [1..100] | Merchant 's API account login. If you pass your login and password to authenticate in the payment gateway, do not pass token parameter. |
Mandatory | password |
String [1..200] | Merchant's API account password. |
Optional | language |
String [2] | ISO 639-1 encoded language key. If the language is not specified, the default language specified in the store settings is used. Supported languages: en, bg, de, fr, el, hu, it, pl, ro, es. |
Mandatory | orderId |
String [1..36] | Order number in the payment gateway. Unique within the payment gateway. |
Conditional | fromCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be debited. If debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
Conditional | toCard |
Object | A block with the attributes of the card to be credited. If crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent. Otherwise, it is mandatory. See nested parameters. |
The fromCard
block (if debiting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) includes the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional ( | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be debited. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Optional | cvc |
String [1..3] | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card to be debited. Is mandatory if the payment is performed without stored credential or the merchant does not have a permission to pay without CVC. |
Mandatory | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be debited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be debited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be debited. |
Optional | seToken |
String | Encrypted card data. Must be passed if used instead of the card data. The mandatory parameters for seToken string are timestamp , UUID , bindingId , MDORDER . Click here for more information about seToken generation.It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
The toCard
block (if crediting is done by a third-party system, this block must be absent) consists of the following possible parameters:
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Optional ( | bindingId |
String [1..255] | Identifier of the credentials stored when paying for the order or used for payment. Available only if the merchant is allowed to store credentials. It is necessary to specify one of the following sets of parameters: |
Mandatory | pan |
String [1..19] | The number of the card to be credited. It's necessary to specify one of the following parameters: |
Optional | cvc |
Integer | CVC/CVV2 code on the back of a card that is to be credited. |
Optional | expirationYear |
Integer | The year of expiration of the card that is to be credited. The accepted values are from 2000 to 2200. |
Optional | expirationMonth |
Integer | The month of expiration of the card that is to be credited. Available values are as follows: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12. |
Optional | cardholderName |
String [1..26] | The name of the holder of the card that is to be credited. |
Response parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
Mandatory | errorCode |
Integer [1..2] | Information parameter in case of an error, which may have different code values:
Mandatory | errorMessage |
String [1..512] | Information parameter that is an error description in a case of error occurance. errorMessage value can vary, so it should not be hardcoded. Language of the description is set in language parameter of the request. |
Optional | feeAmount |
Integer [1..12] | Fee amount. |
Optional | feeCurrency |
String [3] | The ISO 4217 code of the fee currency. |
Optional | feeDescription |
String [1..512] | The description of the fee. |
Request example
curl --location --request POST 'https://dev.bpcbt.com/payment/rest/api/p2p/verifyP2PByBinding.do' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_user_password",
"orderId": "fa71bf70-7c81-484e-a6fc-7db7e4283b2a",
"bindingId": "4d792471-cee0-742c-922d-a265072e6148",
"fromCard": {
"seToken": "ofVx1r3aIJ3Mlx3nkfeOIJgFOnwfsgFK+V6Yzm+KxJgsq19l74GChhX0We/LEFq78Rhn9uFAEZGdeyDhnIc/KfuvObf0EzoDA65Uj1Z8FjwWyjnEwTBHZL4KmdFBCSk8jLxHt70mXwyjiHYyCVH1fT/UVOnsrkZVGrqmEG4MTi5dX9Znzf24DwRg4iezvdT8vf0dUW5lJdvY1tgOsOnBulwy6kH/YbHVsnR6yxO6d6IsdnT5f8PxaB+7ZyUqgrd6VA88FGJKJgdoxk4721pqKSG5dYroLJG96s23EDJ2Hpi4e9wU2rP7E6dlFw+qzATqX/eaJbaQ9eakkdMWnkj7aQ=="
"toCard": {
"cardholderName": "NAME SURNAME",
"cvc": "123",
"expirationMonth": 12,
"expirationYear": 2024,
"pan": "5555555555555599"
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "978",
"clientId": "123",
Response example
"errorCode" : 0,
"errorMessage" : "Successful",
"feeDescriptionList" : [ {
"feeAmount" : 10,
"feeCurrency" : "978",
"feeDescription" : "Acquirer fee"
} ]