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Here you can learn about general terms and concepts that you meet in the documentation.

3-D Secure

A technology developed by Visa that allows to perform additional authorization for a customer on the side of the issuing bank.


ACS is acronym for Access Control Server which is an element of 3-D Secure infrastructure that ensures validation of the customer by the issuing bank.

AFT (Account Funding Transaction) payment

A special type of operations for debiting of funds for the purpose of replenishing the customer's internal account in the merchant’s system or banking account in bank’s system (often used as an alternative to the purchase operation).


A unique combination of symbols associated with your account and used for authentication in API requests. If a request doesn’t include a valid key, Payment Gateway returns an invalid request error. If a request includes a deleted or expired key, Payment Gateway returns an authentication error. Read more here.


The process of transferring funds from the customer account to the merchant account. Transferring charged amount from the customer's account to the merchant's account is performed in one or two steps.

Card Brand

Payment system, a service for the transfer of money in electronic form, e.g., Visa, UnionPay, MasterCard, etc.


A customer who uses a card issued by a bank to make cashless payments to a merchant.


A party who buys goods or services from a merchant. In this documentation, it is assumed that a customer makes a cashless payment, using cards or wallets.

Installment payments

Installment payments are processed on a regular fixed interval according to a payment plan. For example, when a customer monthly pays a bill in small portions. Unlike recurrent payments, installment payments are done throughout a fixed period of time.


A party selling goods or providing services through the eCommerce website (online store).

Merchant alias

A merchant's credentials to login. Specify merchant's login to register the payment from the name of the child merchant.

Merchant Portal

Merchant Portal or Personal Area enables a merchant to easily perform a wide variety of tasks using web interface. In Merchant Portal, the merchant can manage and monitor payments, configure payment options, or send an invoice with a payment link directly to a customer's email.

Merchant Reference Id

Number (identifier) of the session in the merchant's system.

OCT (Original Credit Transaction) payment

A special type of payment for crediting funds to the recipient in real time.

One-step payment

A payment for goods/services made over the Internet using bank cards that does not require additional confirmation, i.e., holding and debiting of funds takes place in one stage. This payment flow is preferable if the goods or service is provided immediately after the payment.

Online Store

A website that allows a merchant to sell goods or services to customers through the Internet.

P2P payment

A way to transfer funds from one person to another using bank card details. It is also referred to as peer-to-peer/person-to-person payment or P2P payment.


An object containing information about paying some amount. A payment may be related to a session (if Redirect Integration is used) or not (if Direct Integration is used).

Payment Gateway

An automated system allowing merchants to accept payments through the Internet using bank cards or wallets. It provides a fast and easy way to collect customers’ payment information, process payments, and handle authorization.


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard used to handle credit cards from major card brands. All companies that process credit card data must be compliant with PCI DSS. This requirement is also applicable to eCommerce merchants who outsource all payment processing to PCI DSS validated third parties, and who have a website that doesn’t directly receive cardholder data but can impact the security of the payment.

Recurrent payments

Recurrent payments occur on a fixed schedule for a pre-agreed amount. For example, monthly utility bills. Unlike installment payments, recurring payments don’t have a fixed duration.


A session represents the customer's checkout session as they pay through the payment page on the Payment Gateway side. Each session is associated with a specific amount and is initiated in the Redirect Integration scenario when the customer opens the payment page. The session ends upon successful payment or automatically expires with a configurable timeout.

Stored Payment Method

A unique token generated by the Payment Gateway that links the customer's card number (PAN) to their ID in the store system (for example, to customer's login). The Stored Payment Method can be used for future purchases so that the cardholder will not have to enter the card data next time. Read more here.

Two-step payment

A payment for goods/services made via the Internet with the use of bank cards that requires additional confirmation, i.e., payment is made in two steps. At the first step, the check of availability and holding of funds of the customer (pre-authorization) takes place; then, at the second step, the company either confirms to debit funds, or cancels holding of funds.


A code that sends an event object to a configured endpoint when an API v.2 object is changed. Webhooks are designed to notify the merchant about important events. Read more about webhooks here.

eCommerce API V2
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