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There are two kinds of Web SDK:

Web SDK Core

Library for generating cryptograms from data received from the payment form. You collect payment data yourself.

Read more about Web SDK Core

Web SDK Payment

Your own payment form design on your page. Collection of payment data is performed on our side.

Read more about Web SDK Payment

Mobile SDK

There are two kinds of Mobile SDK:

Mobile SDK Core

This is more of a library than an SDK. It's used to encrypt card details into paymentToken, that can be safely passed and saved to any system (for example, merchant server). It's a good solution for merchants that want maximum flexibility or don't want to deal with card details on theirs servers. Read more about the paymentToken here.

Payment methods supported by this SDK:

Payment Method Supported
Bank card Yes
Stored Payment Method Yes
Apple Pay No need
Google Pay No need

Read more about Mobile SDK Core

Mobile SDK Payment

This SDK not only renders a UI for card details, but also communicates with Payment Gateway API. Additionally, it handles all 3DS redirects and can use 3DS SDK as an embedded one. It's easier for merchant to integrate payments this way, but it's not as flexible as SDK Forms or SDK Core (you can't use all the features of payment API with this kind of SDK).

Payment methods supported by this SDK:

Payment Method Supported
Bank card Yes
Stored Payment Method Yes
Apple Pay Yes
Google Pay Yes

Read more about SDK Payment

eCommerce SDK API V2
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