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Recurrent tasks management

Payment Gateway gives you a possibility to configure tasks for recurring payments. The configured payments are futher automatically executed according to the predefined schedule.

If you have this feature enabled for you by our support team, you can do the following:

The below API allows you to configure tasks for recurring payments.

Create task

The request used to create a recurrent task is /v1/task/create.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.
Optional merchantLogin String [1..30] To create a task on behalf of another merchant, specify the merchant's API account login in this parameter.
Can be used only if you have the permission to see the transactions of other merchants or if the specified merchant is your child merchant.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurring task being created. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the recurrent task being created).

Required Name Type Description

amount Integer [0..12] Payment amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents etc.).
Optional bindingId String [1..255] Identifier of an already existing stored credential. This is the card ID tokenized by the Gateway. Can be used only if the merchant has the permission to work with stored credentials.
Optional cardHolder String [1..26] The name of the holder of the card in Latin characters.

clientId String [0..255] Customer number (ID) in the merchant's system — up to 255 characters. Used to implement the functionality of stored-credential transactions. Can be returned in the response if the merchant is allowed to store credentials.
Specifying this parameter in stored-credential transactions is mandatory. Otherwise, a payment will be unsuccessful.

currency Integer [3] ISO 4217 encoded currency key. If not specified, the default value is used.
Optional expiry Integer Card expiration in the following format: YYYYMM.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant.
Optional pan String [1..19] Masked number of the card that has been used for the payment.
Optional attributes Object A set of task attributes, structure:
{name1:value1,…,nameN:valueN}. The exact list of attributes should be coordinated with the bank.
Optional params Object A set of additional free-form parameters, structure:
Mandatory scheduleData Object A set of task frequency shedule data. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the scheduleData block (data about the task frequency shedule).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory scheduledSince String Date/time from which the task should start. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Mandatory scheduledTill String Date/time before which the task should be completed. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Mandatory timeUnit String Time unit. Allowed values: Nanos, Micros, Millis, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, HalfDays, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decades, Centuries, Millennia, Eras, Forever
Mandatory value integer Frequency value

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the created recurring task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the created recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory created String Date/time the task was created.
Mandatory merchantLogin String Merchant login.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant.
Mandatory nextPaymentDate String Next payment date.
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
        "bindingId": "5eb094e1-4a96-7b33-af5f-a29407a73a93",
        "scheduleData": {

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "created": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "taskUuid": "8a6a5350-1be3-456e-8e81-e5c7eafbd699",
    "nextPaymentDate": "2024-01-24T00:00:00+03:00",
    "state": "CREATED",
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82"

Modify task

The request used to modify an existing recurrent task is /v1/task/modify.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurring task being modified. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the recurrent task being modified).

Required Name Type Description
Optional bindingId String [1..255] Identifier of an already existing stored credential. This is the card ID tokenized by the Gateway. Can be used only if the merchant has the permission to work with stored credentials.

cardholder String Cardholder's name in Latin characters. This parameter is passed only after an order is paid.

clientId String [0..255] Customer number (ID) in the merchant's system — up to 255 characters. Used to implement the functionality of stored-credential transactions. Can be returned in the response if the merchant is allowed to store credentials.
Specifying this parameter in stored-credential transactions is mandatory. Otherwise, a payment will be unsuccessful.
Optional expiry String Card expiration in the following format: YYYYMM.
Optional pan String [1..19] Masked number of the card that has been used for the payment.
Optional attributes Object A set of task attributes, structure:
{name1:value1,…,nameN:valueN}. The exact list of attributes should be coordinated with the bank.
Optional params Object A set of additional free-form parameters, structure:
Mandatory taskIdentifier Object The unique identifier or set of identifiers of the task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the created recurring task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the modified recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory updated String Date/time of the last update of the task.
Mandatory merchantLogin String Merchant login.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the merchant.
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
        "taskIdentifier": {
            "description":"new description",

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "updated": "2024-01-23T14:10:03.730644+03:00",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "taskUuid": "9ae9f36d-0ba3-4686-87c4-a5ec77c562a4",
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c80"

Get task information

The request used to get information about a recurrent task is /v1/task/get.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory taskIdentifier Object The unique identifier or set of identifiers of the task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurrent task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description

amount Integer [0..12] Payment amount in minor currency units (e.g. in cents etc.).
Optional attemptsHistory Array of objects All payment attempts in chronological order. Each payment attempt is an attemptsHistory object. See nested parameters.
Optional bindingId String [1..255] Identifier of an already existing stored credential. This is the card ID tokenized by the Gateway. Can be used only if the merchant has the permission to work with stored credentials.
Optional cardHolder String [1..26] The name of the holder of the card in Latin characters.

clientId String [0..255] Customer number (ID) in the merchant's system — up to 255 characters. Used to implement the functionality of stored-credential transactions. Can be returned in the response if the merchant is allowed to store credentials.
Specifying this parameter in stored-credential transactions is mandatory. Otherwise, a payment will be unsuccessful.
Mandatory created String Date/time the task was created.

currency Integer [3] ISO 4217 encoded currency key. If not specified, the default value is used.
Optional expiry Integer Card expiration in the following format: YYYYMM.
Mandatory lastPaymentDate String Last payment date.
Optional maskedPan String Masked pan of the card.
Mandatory merchantLogin String [1..30] The login of the merchant.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the merchant.
Mandatory nextPaymentDate String Next payment date.
Optional params Object A set of additional free-form parameters, structure:
Mandatory scheduleData Object A set of task frequency shedule data. See nested parameters.
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.
Mandatory updated String Date/time of the last update of the task.

Below are the parameters of the scheduleData block (data about the task frequency shedule).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory scheduledSince String Date/time from which the task should start. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Mandatory scheduledTill String Date/time before which the task should be completed. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Mandatory timeUnit String Time unit. Allowed values: Nanos, Micros, Millis, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, HalfDays, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decades, Centuries, Millennia, Eras, Forever
Mandatory value integer Frequency value

Below are the parameters of the attemptsHistory block (data about the task frequency shedule).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory executed String Date/time of the payment attempt. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
Optional orderId String Unique identifier of the transaction in the payment gateway
Optional orderNumber String Order number in the payment gateway
Mandatory paymentAttemptUuid String Unique identifier of the payment attempt
Mandatory paymentUuid String Unique identifier of the payment
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired
Mandatory technicalAttempt Boolean Flag indicating whether the attempt was technical


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskIdentifier": {

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "taskUuid": "8a6a5350-1be3-456e-8e81-e5c7eafbd699",
    "state": "ACTIVE",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "bindingId": "5eb094e1-4a96-7b33-af5f-a29407a73a93",
    "clientId": "TestClient",
    "created": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "updated": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "lastPaymentDate": "2024-01-24T00:00:00+03:00",
    "nextPaymentDate": "2024-01-25T00:00:00+03:00",
    "scheduleData": {
      "scheduledSince": "2024-01-24T00:00:00.000+0300",
      "scheduledTill": "2024-02-24T00:00:00.000+0300",
      "value": 1,
      "timeUnit": "DAYS"
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": 170,
    "params": {
      "phone": "576015555556",
      "description": "description"
    "attemptsHistory": [
        "paymentAttemptUuid": "6873d7dc-4366-45c5-9de6-bc6e0aa05b3d",
        "paymentUuid": "1a450005-ad46-4474-8940-eb154822296c",
        "state": "SUCCEEDED",
        "executed": "2024-01-24T10:23:41.788436+03:00",
        "technicalAttempt": false,
        "orderId": "d2d56b04-124b-77ab-9034-9f2307a73a93",
        "orderNumber": "E5DFEDE990694FCFB5246AEC2612A355"
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82"

Terminate task

The request used to terminate a recurrent task is /v1/task/terminate.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory taskIdentifier Object The unique identifier or set of identifiers of the task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurrent task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the terminated recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory updated String Date/time of the last update of the task.
Mandatory merchantLogin String Merchant login.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the merchant.
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskIdentifier": {
        "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82",
        "merchantLogin": "testMerch"

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "updated": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "taskUuid": "8a6a5350-1be3-456e-8e81-e5c7eafbd699",
    "state": "TERMINATED",
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82"

Activate task

The request used to activate a recurrent task is /v1/task/activate.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory taskIdentifier Object The unique identifier or set of identifiers of the task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurrent task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the activated recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory updated String Date/time of the last update of the task.
Mandatory merchantLogin String Merchant login.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the merchant.
Mandatory nextPaymentDate String Next payment date.
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskIdentifier": {
        "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82",
        "merchantLogin": "testMerch"

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "updated": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "taskUuid": "8a6a5350-1be3-456e-8e81-e5c7eafbd699",
    "state": "ACTIVE",
    "nextPaymentDate": "2024-01-25T00:00:00+03:00",
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82"

Terminate tasks

The request used to terminate multiple recurrent tasks is /v1/task/batchTerminate.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory taskIdentifiers Array of Objects Identifiers of tasks to be terminated. Each task is a taskIdentifier object. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS" 

Skip payment

The request used to skip a particular payment of a recurrent task is /v1/payment/skip.

Request parameters

Required Name Type Description
Optional locale String [2] Language in ISO 639-1. If not specified, the default language will be used.

userName String [1..100] Merchant's API account login.

password String [1..200] Merchant's API account password.
Mandatory taskIdentifier Object The unique identifier or set of identifiers of the task. See nested parameters.
Mandatory paymentNumber Integer Number of the recurring payment to be skipped.

Below are the parameters of the taskIdentifier block (set of identifiers for a recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Optional merchantLogin String Merchant login. Should be present for searching by merchantTaskUuid.
Optional merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task being created within the merchant. Required if taskUuid is not present.
Optional taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service. Required if merchantTaskUuid is not present.

Response parameters

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory status Object Response status. Allowed values: SUCCESS, FAIL.
Mandatory task Object Information about the recurrent task. See nested parameters.

Below are the parameters of the task block (data about the activated recurrent task).

Required Name Type Description
Mandatory updated String Date/time of the last update of the task.
Mandatory merchantLogin String Merchant login.
Mandatory merchantTaskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the merchant.
Mandatory nextPaymentDate String Next payment date.
Mandatory taskUuid String The unique identifier of the task within the recurring payments service.
Mandatory state String Task state. Allowed values:
  • CREATED - created, no payments yet
  • ACTIVE - created and at least one payment has been already proceeded
  • FAILED - exceeded max payment attempts and deactivated
  • COMPLETED - reached EOL date, all payments completed
  • TERMINATED - terminated by either client via processing or merchant
  • EXPIRED - card expired


Request example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "taskIdentifier": {
    "paymentNumber": 2

Example of a success response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "task": {
    "updated": "2024-01-24T10:23:35.434591+03:00",
    "merchantLogin": "testMerch",
    "taskUuid": "8a6a5350-1be3-456e-8e81-e5c7eafbd699",
    "state": "ACTIVE",
    "nextPaymentDate": "2024-01-25T00:00:00+03:00",
    "merchantTaskUuid": "c0fdc30e-0ba9-4d14-ac0b-44fe9d4d7c82"
eCommerce API V2
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