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Web SDK Core

Library for generating cryptograms from data received from the payment form. The library generates the response asynchronously! A webhook is used to get the result.

The library is used by the Merchant on their website. A list of payment form parameters (pan, expiry, cvc, etc.) is passed to the library, and the output is a cryptogram ready for transfer to the acquiring backend.

Example of use

<script src=""></script>
      pan: '4111111111111111',
      cvc: '123',
      expiryMMYY: '12/24',
      // pubKey: '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAioZS/AN/xWtZsQNFjOc8VjKnE5xwQuT0zV0q2j2JpBN66We1+dya9gfqt14Mg53tHfvTB+hbHpmK8mYlPdpZXnIIN3TuBv9llfwmAMm4pFRDG8KeIgOVLSGptHufjwoh2iE4YfxZWgCbnkqjDk6YiTPdy+W7nxF+fPUEsFE1YJDTRwzVqpsbjfKW9tQAjDxpAwfsiyhk0NzTEsDahWtjk1+WaqqrN0LRQgtaTnnbjSr3npmegu63mgTXBX1MT5olRY+BjCaPCZLt+6sFNd/wVI+UBo3/U6jHEHVe3T1vdZWNhJe2twFzrSSpm5aevDK7OpQzMT7v2wUIRWIlFvIxFwIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----',             
    function (result) {
      console.log('Result:', result);


Parameter Mandatory Purpose
pan yes Card number (no spaces)
cvc no CVV/CVC code of the card
expiryMMYY no date in MM/YY or MMYY format
pubKey no Public key for encryption (if the parameter is not set, the key will be obtained from the server automatically)


Error type Explanation
required The field is required.
invalid-format Data format is invalid.
invalid-length Field length is invalid.
invalid-pub-key Key is invalid.
get-pub-key-failed Failed to get key from server.

Response format

  token: "...", // obtained token ready for passing
  errors: [ // errors array
      field: "pan", // Field name
      error: "invalid-length" // Error type

Example of payment request with generated cryptogram

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: 6HUXQFbeomV1zf5i8cgm5W8KfncENVEa5uh8RngB' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "amount": 70000,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "paymentMethod": {
    "type": "card",
    "card": {
        "token": "GmOWQLXeBH+eghJcI2DKOKYp5fkYVxagcZYfW/dY2aQqDNBBro8VntVAw4+DuKK3adiyfFLn+SMCxL/DUSMO4dMVy+RI8E7riHwCMiFDDvfX9PuBLQ/JstLBcrxctm2ctIRb5lY7tGO79s5W0njhC8ugck81hJtsWBCi0GbOoUalJGPJG9MtG6omuFsAIswRHnVerq92Wc2g/ZyUDz23zK5I6azGMQEVPdLZae1SCiQ+Fa+X6EBme1QbXlAGackwHCXgQ2uhGDt3Xb/DGgNFP5VQa/MMa70nlJYWvsAlXQoUPdEv9V5zOHOh8G2fntXECSlRA2QnVwN5XhvKRnWMaw=="
  "returnUrl": ""
eCommerce SDK API V2
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