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Refusal reasons

There may be different reasons for the rejection. You need to check the action code that comes in the response. Action code is a numeric code of a result received from a processing bank. In addition to order status, action code helps to understand the details of a transaction processing.

Online payment errors

The below table describes action codes existing in the Payment Gateway.

Action code API message Description
-30001 Operation is pending Operation status inquiry is in progress
-2025 Card issuer declined payment with RReq Declined. RReq (Results Request Message) received from ACS during Challenge-authentication is not "Y". Used for 3D-Secure (v.2)
-2024 Card issuer wants frictionless 3D Secure, but acquirer restricts it Declined. Frictionless 3D-Secure (v.2) authentication is forbidden. Used for 3D-Secure (v.2)
-2023 3DS Authentication could not be performed by card issuer ARes (Authentication Response Message) received from ACS during Frictionless-authentication is "U". Used for 3D-Secure (v.2)
-2022 Cannot perform 3DS operation Cannot perform 3DS operation
-2020 Incorrect ECI received Incorrect ECI (electronic commerce indicator). This code means that ECI received in PaRes (Payer Authentication Response) is not valid for the IPS (International Payment System). The rule applies only to MasterCard (available values - 01,02) and Visa (available values - 05,06)
-2018 3DS Authentication could not be performed by card acquirer 3DS Authentication could not be performed by card acquirer
-2014 Client did not return from the Payment page Client did not return from the Payment page, no payment attempts.
-2013 You have exceeded the number of allowed payment attempts You have exceeded the number of allowed payment attempts
-2009 Client did not return from the ACS server Client did not return from the ACS server
-2007 The payment has expired Payment declined. The period allotted for card details entering has expired (by default, the timeout is 20 minutes; session duration may be specified while order registering; if the Merchant has "Alternative session timeout" permission, then timeout duration is specified in Merchant settings)
-2006 Card issuer declined the payment due to an unsuccessful 3DSecure verification Means that issuing bank rejected authentication (3DS authorization has not been performed)
-301 Incorrect payment token Incorrect payment token
-100 Waiting for payment attempt There were no payment attempts
0 Request is processed successfully Payment has been performed successfully
1 Declined. The identity check is required Proof of identity is necessary for successful completion of the transaction. In case of internet transaction (our case) it is impossible, so transaction is considered as declined
4 Card blocked for an undisclosed reason Card blocked for an undisclosed reason
5 The card was declined for an unknown reason The card was declined for an unknown reason
20 Insufficient funds Insufficient funds
37 Call Security Call security
62 The customer can't use this card to make this payment (it's possible it was reported lost or stolen) The customer can't use this card to make this payment (it's possible it was reported lost or stolen)
63 Security violation Security violation
72 Sender card is not allowed for this transaction type Sender card is not allowed for this transaction type
73 Denied, invalid expiry Denied, invalid expiry
78 Invalid/nonexistent account specified Invalid/nonexistent account specified
82 The CVC number is incorrect The CVC number is incorrect
87 Pre-authorization time too great Pre-authorization time too great
90 Response status unknown Processing returned an internal status code that is not mapped to any of the returnable action codes.
94 Duplicate transmission Duplicate transmission
100 The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card
101 Card expired Card expired
103 Card issuer rejected the payment There is no connection with the Issuing bank. Sales outlet needs to contact Issuing bank
106 Card is blocked The maximum number of attempts to enter PIN is exceeded. It is possible that the card is blocked temporarily
109 Internal merchant terminal configuration is incorrect Merchant/terminal identifier is incorrect or ACC is blocked on the processing level
110 The payment amount is invalid or exceeds the allowed amount The payment amount is invalid or exceeds the allowed amount
111 The card number is incorrect The card number is incorrect
116 The card has insufficient funds to complete the purchase Transaction amount exceeds the available balance of the selected account
117 Incorrect PIN Incorrect PIN-code (not for Internet transactions)
119 Security violation Security violation
120 Card issuer rejected the payment Refusal to perform the operation - the transaction is not allowed by the Issuing bank. Response code of the IPS - 57. Reasons for rejection should be specified at the Issuing bank
121 The customer has exceeded the transaction amount limit available on their card The customer has exceeded the transaction amount limit available on their card
123 The customer has exceeded the transaction amount limit available on their card The client has performed the maximum number of transactions during the limit cycle and tries to perform another one
124 Technical error Technical error (in case of reverse/refund attempt)
125 The card number is incorrect The card number is incorrect
151 Transaction failed. Declined by issuer fraud Transaction failed. Declined by issuer fraud
181 Service forbidden Service forbidden
203 Card is lost Card is lost
204 Card is lost Card is lost
208 Card issuer considers it lost Card issuer considers it lost
212 Participant blocked Participant blocked
239 Terminate subscription Terminate subscription
240 Recurring transaction was declined because the cardholder stopped that recurring payment transaction Recurring transaction was declined because the cardholder stopped that recurring payment transaction
555 Restriction on the card (the issuing bank has prohibited online transactions on the card) Restriction on the card (the issuing bank has prohibited online transactions on the card)
814 Limit reached for total number of txns in cycle, independent of transaction category. (Activity count limit exceeded) Limit reached for total number of txns in cycle, independent of transaction category. (Activity count limit exceeded)
823 Card is reported stolen Card is reported stolen
902 The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card
903 The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card The customer has exceeded the balance, credit limit, or transaction amount limit available on their card
904 Invalid message format The message format is incorrect in terms of the issuing bank
906 Expired card Expired card
907 Cannot contact issuer There is no connection with the Issuing bank. Authorization in stand-in mode is not allowed for this card number (this mode means that the Issuing bank is unable to connect to the IPS, and therefore the transaction can be either offline with further unloading to back office, or it can be declined)
909 The card was declined for an unknown reason The card was declined for an unknown reason
911 Payment declined. Please, contact the merchant. Payment declined. Please, contact the merchant.
912 Issuing bank unavailable Issuing bank unavailable
913 Wrong message format The message format is incorrect in terms of IPS
914 Original transaction not found Transaction is not found (when sending a completion, reversal or refund request)
916 Unable to process Unable to process
920 Card restrictions Card restrictions
941 Invalid Merchant ID Invalid Merchant ID
950 Reconcile error Reconcile error
959 System Malfunction System Malfunction
968 Original amount incorrect Original amount incorrect
998 The request has timed-out The request has timed-out
999 The payment was declined due to suspected fraud The payment was declined due to suspected fraud
1112 Card retry exceeded with current PAN and Expiry Card retry exceeded with current PAN and Expiry
1113 Card retry exceeded with current PAN Card retry exceeded with current PAN
1114 Card retry exceeded for binding Card retry exceeded for binding
1115 Retry exceeded for order Retry exceeded for order
1116 Card retry exceeded for terminal Card retry exceeded for terminal
1117 Card retry exceeded for merchant Card retry exceeded for merchant
1118 Card retry exceeded for specified amount and currency Card retry exceeded for specified amount and currency
1434 The card was declined by card issuer because the transaction requires 3D Secure authentication The card was declined by card issuer because the transaction requires 3D Secure authentication
2002 Incorrect operation Incorrect operation
2003 You can't make payments without 3D Secure You can't make payments without 3D Secure
2012 The order has already been cancelled The order has already been cancelled
2016 3D-Secure is forbidden 3D-Secure payment is necessary, but the Merchant does not have a permission for 3D-Secure payment
2023 Thread limit is exceeded The request queue for processing has exceeded the allowed limit
2030 Card is blocked Card is blocked
4005 Declined by merchant Declined by the Merchant
4032 Card issuer declined payment with ARes = A Card issuer declined payment with ARes = A
8204 Duplicate order Duplicate order
71015 Some payment data is invalid Some payment data is invalid
151018 Decline. Processing timeout Processing timeout. Sending failed
151019 The payment method failed due to a timeout The payment method failed due to a timeout

Card payment errors

The below table describes action codes specific for processing center of the bank.

Action code Description
00 Successful transaction
01 Call issuer
02 Requested Invalid Identifiers
03 Invalid Merchant ID
04 Invalid card, capture
05 Do not honor transaction
08 Approve with identification
09 Invalid store number
10 Invalid currency
12 Transaction needs to be entered again
12 Invalid transaction – retry
13 Cannot process amount. This code is only for truly erroneous amounts, i.e, exceeds machine capabilities or $0 cash withdrawal. No limits involved.
14 Invalid account – retry
14 Forced post: No card on file
15 The card is already active
16 The card is not active
30 The message received was not within standards
31 Issuer inoperative
31 SmartVista not permitted to stand in
32 Unknown issuer BIN
33 Card expired, capture card
33 Card expired
36 Account restricted, capture card
37 Call Security – Capture
37 Call Acquirer Security
41 Lost Card – Capture
43 Stolen Card – Capture
51 Insufficient funds – retry
55 Incorrect PIN, foreign.
57 Not permitted
57 Transaction not permitted by law
57 Account restricted
61 Negative auth usage cycle limit exceeded
61 Card’s ATM or EPAY cycle limit exceeded
61 Account’s ATM or EPAY cycle limit exceeded
62 Bad card (on_us)
65 Limit reached for total number of txns in cycle, independent of transaction category.
68 Timer time out (used generally for issuers other than networks, i.e. a host)
75 Excessive pin failures
76 Wrong Pin, Excessive pin failures
76 Excessive PIN failures, do not capture
77 The card has NOT ANY accounts
78 Original transaction could not be found
79 Original transaction has been reversed
81 CVV/CVC processing error
82 Invalid CVV/CVC
85 Conditional approval. Additional consumer verification must be performed.
90 Response status unknown
91 Service not available
92 Invalid Payment Parameter
93 Service blocked
94 Duplicate transmission
95 This can mean several things i.e. did not receive a tx amount being reversed greater than orig.
96 Error (usually in pinblock translation)
96 Cannot process transaction
96 Forced post: no account on file
96 System Malfunction
97 Service not allowed for client
98 Invalid insurance number
A1 Service is already binded
A2 Service is not binded
A3 Invalid service data
A4 MAC error
A5 Debts absence.
A6 Invalid payment data
A7 Additional information required
A8 No such object in system
A9 Object is not created in system
AA Object is already created in system
AB Invalid CVV2
AC CVV2 processing error
AD Incorrect Customer ID or Cardholder ID. May be used to request the payeer address and personal information.
AE Authorization of the transaction still not complete. Check its status later.
AF Bad characters in PAN
AG Account is already bound to card
B1 Withdrawal limit exceeded, retry
B2 Card is Restricted, denied.
B3 Command to capture card from FRAUD
B4 Command to block and capture card from FRAUD
B5 Pre-Authorization transaction already has transaction of completion.
B6 Amount between transaction of completion and transaction of Pre-Authorization more than fixture in percentage terms.
B7 Original transaction of Pre-Authorization has no been found for transaction of Completion.
B8 Invalid terminal sequence number.
B9 Batch totals from POS terminal are wrong.
BA For Brazil: blocked, first used or special condition — new cardholder not activated or card is temporarily blocked
C0 Approved commercial
C1 Incorrect parameters. Reenter required
C2 Bill pay invalid invoice
C3 Bill pay invoice expired
C4 Bill pay invoice already paid
F1 Declined by Fraud Monitoring
P0 Partial approval
P1 Purchase only, no cash back allowed
P2 Only EC part of transaction is approved
R0 Recurring transaction was declined because the cardholder stopped that recurring payment transaction.
R1 Recurring transaction was declined because the cardholder stopped all recurring payment transactions for a merchant account.
R3 All recurring payments have been cancelled for the card number in the request.
S1 Additional customer authentication required
S2 PIN data required
TS Terminate Subscription.
eCommerce API V1
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